The little things I realize I miss
When I first arrived in this new country, there were the things that I missed right away: family, friends, group dinners at the Corvallis house, Sienna/Simon/Lago (and even Mogli a little), free phone calls to people in the States... these were all things that were quite obvious and I could see coming before I left. Now that I've been here for several weeks, I have found a multitude of little things that I have only recently realized I miss (notice how much of it is food related!). Much of it is specific to Corvallis/Oregon, so I apologize to those of you who are not familiar with these many little treasures.
- PG Tips tea and Pomogranate Green Tea
- Grandma's cookies (that's my Grandma, not a brand called 'Grandma's')
- Marie Sharp's hot sauces that Dave brought back from Belize (thanks again Dave!)
- really any good hot sauce or salsa
- Tillamook mint chocolate chip ice cream
- Tillamook cheese
- Oregon tap water
- home-brewed beer
- any good darker beers (not many ambers, porters, or nut browns here)
- always having Springhill wine or Dave's wine on hand
- Sour Patch Kids
- Taylor Street Ovens' Chocolate Chip Oatmeal cookies
- Annie's Shells & Cheddar
- Amy's beans (again, roommate Amy, not a brand)
- Santa Cruz (brand) raspberry lemonade sodas
- The co-op in general and everything delicious held within its walls; buying local and sustainable groceries
- having 4 or 5 didjeridoos lying around the living room (ironic, no?)
However, I am already building a list of 'the little things' that I would miss about Australia... let me tell you, you're all missing out on Tim Tams!
Posted by Whitney 03/18/2008